For anyone who might still be doubting the new donation arrangement story, please be sure to read Cedars post about it on Cedars and I both have copies of the BOE letter that outlines much of what we have been discussing, but distribution of the letter will be limited somewhat and can not be made widely available for a while. Those of you who are elders should see the letter within the next few days. Those who are not should hear the first page read in the Kingdom Halls sometime near the end of April.
As to the other details - some are included in the 3-page attachment to the BOE letter, but none of that will be shared with the rank and file, and maybe not with all elders - only those with major assignments.
So just to clear things up - the BOE letter is real The 3 page attachment is real. Changes are definitely going to take place.
What I have shared here from my insider contacts (who will forever remain anonymous for obvious reasons) includes some conjecture and suppositions, but they are based on documents and conversations with insiders deep within the Watchtower headquarters. So some of those things may turn out to be true, and some may never occur. At this point even the insiders can't be sure - much of it is based on rumors.
The one thing those of us who have been around the block with the JWs over the years can be sure of is this: Jehovah's Witnesses love to gossip. If they are in the know, they will want to share it with someone. Being in the know is seen as having stature in the congregation - that's why elderettes are great sources of inside information. I learned more about what was going on in our Kingdom Hall by riding in a car full of elders' wives than from any Watchtower or Informant bulletin. The same applies to volunteers working in Bethel and Watchtower HQ. They love to share inside knowledge with their friends and family. Even those who work clerical jobs will hear or see confidential information in their offices - and the odds are that some will share what they know with their friends. So there is always a small stream of information that gets out before the official announcements are made.
So let's enjoy what we can find out from whatever insider sources we might have. Some information will be wrong. Some will be changed before implementation. Some will be changed because we knew it first and now the WT wants to make us all look like idiots.
I personally believe that most of the higher level Watchtower managers spend a lot of time reading this forum and several other major JW discussion websites. In fact, one of my insider contacts told me that JWN was one of the sites that almost everyone at HQ visits at least once a week. I can see hits from the Watchtower's IP addresses on my websites and all the time - as is the case with JWSurvey.
So don't be too quick to discount occasional reports of insider informatiion. Just expect that some of it won't pan out - just like rumors and news on TV and radio and the Internet regarding political moves and entertainer gossip.